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Formalised in 1994 it seeks to look after the interests and welfare of members of the journalism fraternity in the State of Sabah, Malaysia. Affectionately known only as "SJA" among its more than 100 members, the Association also strives to assist in uplifting the standard of journalism in Sabah through its activities and programmes as well as strengthening the existing cordial bond among its members as well as their counterparts all over the world.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Winners of the UMS 2009 Education Journalism Award taking a photo for remembrance with guest-of-honour, Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister, Datuk Masidi Manjun, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice Chancellor, Prof Datuk Kamaruzaman Ampong, SJA President Datuk Joniston Bangkuai and organising chairman, Associate Prof. Andreas Totu after the award presentation ceremony at the Pacific Sutera on June 25.

The award is a collaboration between the UMS and SJA, which has now entered its third edition. There were seven categories and one of them - UMS Writer Category - was introduced for the first time. The main prize winners each received RM2,000 plus certificate while the merit award winners received RM500 and a certificate.

The winners are:


Winner:                        Roy Anthony Goh (News Straits Times)
Merit   :                       1. Durie Rainer Fong (Daily Express)           
                                   2. Mary Chin           (Daily Express)


Winner:                        Mohd Azrone Sarabatin (Berita Harian)
Merit   :                       1. Hasan Omar (Berita Harian)
                                   2. Nik Jasni Che Jaafar (Utusan Borneo)


WINNER:                        Bong Tze Pin (Overseas Chinese Daily News)
                                  *no merit award winners


Winner:                          Maryan Razan (New Sabah Times) 
                                   *no merit award winners


Winner:                        Juliana Bangot (RTM) 


Winner:                        Ghazali Basir (Utusan Malaysia)
Merit   :                        Datu Ruslan Sulai (Berita Harian)


Winner:                        Jakaria Dasan (Business Economy School)
*The winner for this newly introduced category received RM1,000 and a certificate.


Datu Ruslan accepting the award on behalf of his colleague Roy Goh who won the English Reporting category from Datuk Masidi. Datu Ruslan also won the merit award for the Photography category 

Daily Express' Mary Chin (left) and Durie Rainer Fong (right) receiving their awards in the English Reporting category

Mohd Azrone Sarabatin of Berita Harian elated winning the award for the Bahasa Malaysia category 

Bong Tze Pin of OCDN receiving the award for the Chinese Reporting category 

Marryan Razan of the New Sabah Times accepting her award for the Kadazandusun category

Juliana Bangot from RTM accepting her award for the electronic media 

Utusan Malaysia photographer, Ghazali Basir receiving his award for the photography category
Nik Jasni Che Jaafar of Utusan Borneo receiving her merit award in the Bahasa Malaysia category (above)

(From right) ... Datu Ruslan, Juliana, Omar Hasan of Berita Harian winner of the Bahasa Malaysia merit award with a representative of the UMS Writer Award recipient

Datuk Masidi Manjun has proposed that the UMS and SJA look into the possibility of organising a book on informal knowledge.

He said the competition would assist in the publication of informal knowledge particularly knowledge and skills from our forefathers, which could never be found in school text books.

Citing an example, he said when he was young the elderly in his village would be able to tell accurately if it was going to rain just by looking at the sky to look for a certain bird species called "Sarangkil".

Masidi said his Ministry would be more than happy to provide for the prizes.


1 comment:

  1. Perjuangan memartabatkan pendidikan rakyat turut dipikul oleh wartawan. Terima kasih UMS dan SJA.
